In one of the most difficult economic situations in 50 years, DSO/DPMIT departments around the country are reevaluating their platformstrategies and looking for innovative ways to create competitiveadvantages. Business Optimization and Clinical Benchmarking shouldbe judged by the return on investment (and not traditional practicemanagement system evaluation considerations). However, given thefocus on economy in 2012, DSO/DPM IT departments are judging anyimplementation by four additional financial criteria: initial CapitalOutlay, ongoing operating costs, flexibility and return on investment.“Can we do more with less” is the mantra for CIOs and ITdepartments as the last 10 years have seen shrinking availablebudgets and higher demands for competitive advantage. However,after having squeezed every last drop from the IT solutions andteams since the last time economic tumble, 2012 bringsincomparable financial constraints requiring innovative solutions.
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